FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Volunteers Needed for the El Paso County Colorado State University Extension Advisory Committee
Communications Department
Centennial Hall, 200 S. Cascade
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Board of County Commissioners
Holly Williams, District 1
Carrie Geitner, District 2
Stan VanderWerf, District 3
Longinos Gonzalez, Jr., District 4
Cami Bremer, District 5
Volunteers Needed for the El Paso County
Colorado State University Extension Advisory Committee
El Paso County, Colorado, February 8, 2024 - The El Paso County Board of Commissioners is seeking community-minded citizen volunteers to serve on the El Paso County Colorado State University Extension Advisory Committee. Applications for the open position are due by February 16, 2024.
The CSU Extension Advisory Committee is currently seeking several volunteers who represent the following:
The mission of the El Paso County Extension Advisory Committee is to promote, advocate, and support the County’s Cooperative Extension programs and staff by developing and implementing a strong marketing strategy that results in educating community officials and providing information flow between county citizens and CSU Extension.
The CSU Extension Advisory Committee consists of 12 members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for three-year terms. Terms are limited to two full consecutive terms.
The committee meets on the first Tuesday in the months of February, April, September, and November at 6:00 p.m. Locations vary but meetings are typically held at the Extension Office, 17 N. Spruce St., Room 224, Colorado Springs, CO.
The volunteer application is located at www.elpasoco.com and can be accessed at: https://bocc.bocc.elpasoco.com/volunteer
Send completed applications to:
Board of County Commissioners
Attn: Ingrid Mobley
200 S. Cascade Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903-2208
Applications may also be faxed to 719-520-6397 or emailed to volunteer@elpasoco.com.
Monthly Member Meetings:
1st Wednesday of every month
7:30 am – 8:30 am